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It is not easy to derive higher knowledge by integration of the knowledge of different sciences because it is difficult to find harmony among them. Philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, physicists, chemists, astronomers, homoeopathic doctors, spiritual persons, astrologers etc. carry different perceptions of Nature and functioning of the universe. Different explorers of Nature make different assumptions and explore nature in different manner. The objective of knowing the nature though remains same for all explorers, but the methodologies (manner of exploration) are different. Thus different honest explorers following different paths fail to make a collective approach to acquire a comprehensive knowledge on nature. They do not derive any benefit from the doctrines of other disciplines to enrich their own discipline. The main stream science (modern science), Vedic science, homeopathic science, astrological science etc. though have made remarkable progress and have rendered benefit to mankind but the values of different knowledge could not be integrated to obtain a universal science as they lack harmony. The author finds that it is feasible to achieve a comprehensive universal science by harmonizing the basic assumptions/axioms/hypothesis made by different explorers of nature. For example the cause-to-effect analogy is seen valid in macro domain and in large galactic domain (macro-macro domain). It is also the basis of analysis in mental & spiritual domains. Thus there is scope to discover a new atomic model incorporating cause to-effect analogy. Spiritual science finds symmetry between microcosm and macrocosm. In a way spiritual science find similarity of structure in different domains of nature. We also find many similarities in atomic system and solar system. According to this author the dissimilarities appear only due to improper comparison of solar system and atomic system. The author has found a complete similarity between solar system and the atomic system which he has discussed in Volume-V of this series of publication. The new atomic model satisfies the structure and features of atom while retaining uniformity of nature in different domains.
According to Vedas, truth (Brahman) is one without a second which imply, the nature has one consistent norm. Therefore the wave particle duality of light and electrons has to be removed to bring harmony in modern science and Vedic science. The quantum concepts in modern science and Maya concept in Vedic science are introduced to provide a continuity of understanding of the phenomena of nature. Such continuity however has built-in discontinuity due to lack of proper understanding of quantum assumptions in modern science and Maya in Vedic science.
Any macro structure is known to have micro structure but not known to have micro-micro structure. In reality, any macro body has structures in three different domains such as macro structure, micro structure and micro-micro structure. Modern science makes study of macro structure from micro structure whereas Vedic science studies macro domain structure from micro-micro domain structure. The quantum assumptions can be understood by analyzing physics of micro-micro domain. Likewise the Maya disappears from spiritual science through analysis of micro domain physics. The author sees a perfect harmony in different branches of knowledge.
Atomic structure is the basis of modern science. The structural and functional properties of macroscopic matter are better understood by analyzing the micro domain structure (atomic structure). Vedic science, homeopathic science astrological science etc. have also studied nature by anticipating structures in finer domains and arrived at different conclusions which have values. Modern science does not find access to these sciences as the methodologies are different from modern science. All sciences are meant to understand nature for the benefit of mankind. But modern science does not accept other science just because their approach and basis of analysis are not compatible with modern science. This happens due to lack of understanding of matter in finer domains below micro domain and the structure of so-called empty space. The basis of investigation and the typical languages used in Vedic science, homeopathic science and astrological science are different from main stream science and they are also different from one another. However, all these sciences believe on the existence of matter in finer domain say, micro-micro domain, a domain below the micro domain and they consider cause to-effect analogy for their analysis. Modern science is yet to explore micro-micro domain physics. Light particles and other field forming particles which do not belong to micro domain are considered mass less, charge-less particles without rest existence. This author considers the rest existence of micro-micro particles and further considers existence of mass in finer domain scale as well as existence of non electric charge due to non-equilibrium mass-space structure. The micro-micro particles have placement in the new atomic structure and they also have existence as space matter particles in space medium. The new modified atomic model and modified space structure comprising particles of micro-micro domain have scope to retain cause-to-effect analogy in micro domain science thereby bringing harmony among all sciences and help to invade into fine structure to scientifically perceive the less understood phenomena of nature. The articles of this book discusses on the scientific worth of Vedic science, homeopathic science & astrological science and how the universal concept could be derived, raising modern science to a new height.
The truth of nature is always straight forward and not this way or that way. The functioning of human body and consciousness of mind operates following the laws of nature. No manmade machine is introduced for their functioning. Thus studying nature through consciousness is something like directly reading the norms of nature. Commonsense is developed from several such studies. Thus commonsense cannot be anything other than the impressions on laws of nature. Therefore cause-to-effect analogy and commonsense cannot be ignored in developing the atomic model.
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