Our Editor-In-Chief
DR. Raja Kishore Paramguru
About Our Editor-In-Chief

- PRESENT POST HELD: Retired from service
Residential Address: 106A, Baishnav Vihar, Bomikhal, Bhubaneswar-751010.
Ph: (+91) 674 2371508
Mobile: (+91) 9437563408,
- LAST POSTS HELD: 1973 – 2001
2001 – 2005 – 2010
Electrometallurgy Department – Hydro and Electrometallurgy Department
Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT) (Formerly Regional Research Laboratory) Bhubaneswar – 751013 April 2011 – November 2011.
VISTING PROFESSOR: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, NIT, Rourkela-769008 December 2011 – June 2013.
PRINCIPAL: Bhubaneswar Institute of Industrial Technology, Pandiapada, P.O. Retanga, Bhubaneswar October 2013 – June 2019
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Director, Students Research Centre, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar-751024
- DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: 04.08.1948 JEMADEI, PO: PN Mahavidyalaya, KHURDA, Dist. Khurda, Orissa.India.
College Degree Date Major subject
- a) REC, Rourkela Sc. Engg (Hons.) 1970 Metallurgical Engineering(Now NIT) Stood Third in the (Extractive Metallurgy)University
- b) IIT-Kharagpur Tech. 1972 Process Metallurgy
Secured highest Grade point average
- c) IIT-Kharagpur D. 1979 Electrometallurgy
Research and Developmental activities, Research and Development Management, Academics, Human Resource Development.
Scientific fields of interest: Extractive metallurgy covering all the three major areas of Pyro – Hydro– and Electrometallurgy with specific interest in Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Heterogeneous Kinetics, Application of corrosion principles in mineral leaching, Electronic materials, Smelting-reduction of iron, Green steel through Hydrogen Plasma.
- More than 50 years of academic, research and developmental (R&D) activities in the area of extractive metallurgy including R&D management as well as Human Resource Development mostly at (i) the Hydro and Electrometallurgy Division and as HEAD OF HYDRO AND ELECTRO-METALLURGY DEPARTMENT of Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (Formerly Regional Research Laboratory), Bhubaneswar, (ii) Visiting Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769008, (iii) Principal, Bhubaneswar Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, and (iv) Professor School of Mechanical Engineering and Director, Students Research Centre, KIIT deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar.
- ii) The experience includes research work at the Technical University, Berlin during 1984-85, 1992 and at Institut fuer Isenhuettenkunde, RWTH Aachen, Germany 2001 with a ‘FELLOWSHIP OF THE ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT FOUNDATION, BONN, GERMANY’.
- At IMMT, also led the Human Resource Development Cell as its Chairman, where, besides the routine HRD activities, the program of pursuing doctorate degrees by external scholars at IMMT has been formulated and practiced.
- Also held the responsibility of Coordinator for the Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), subsequently termed as Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) and got University status through Act of Parliament, where academic programs of Two Year and One Year Post Graduate Courses are provided by CSIR. The courses run at IMMT are in the fields of ‘Materials Resource Engineering’ (for two-year PG) and ‘Minerals Engineering’ (One-year PG Diploma).
Also taught at AcSIR (IMMT), NIT and BIIT to B.Tech and M.Tech students.
- Besides, acted as coordinator from IMMT side, for the post graduate course initiated jointly by IIT Kharagpur and IMMT Bhubaneswar in the area of ‘Minerals Engineering’.
A During these years significant contributions have been made to Theory and Practices of Extractive Metallurgy. The activities include active participation in projects of national importance at various capacities. Some very important projects are mentioned here:
- a) Extraction of metal values from complex sulphide ores/concentrates, in which the “Hydro & Electrometallurgy Division” in collaboration with “GTZ, Germany” has made significant contributions. A versatile and unique pilot plant with facilities of pressure leaching – solvent extraction and electrowinning at flow rate of 200 lph is available at RRL- Bhubaneswar.
- b) Associated with the prestigious project of Extraction of metal values from “Manganese Nodule” of Indian Ocean. The country has gained a pioneer status in this area and a pilot plant based on IMMT process is operative at Udaipur.
- c) Also associated in the nickel project which aims at utilizing the only Indian nickel source available at Sukinda as nickel laterite and chromite overburden. During the initial stages handled the aspect of CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING. A Technology Proving Plant costing 10 crores of rupees is already tested. Was heading it during the later days. The TEFR is already available.
- d) Led the project ‘Extraction of titanium metal directly from its oxide by electro-reduction at high temperature in fused chloride melt’. This is part of the Task Force Project ‘GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE CHEMICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS’ (COR 0003) undertaken by CSIR with support from the Planning Commission during the 10th Five Year Plan Program and later continued with support from
- e) Led the project ‘Electrolytic reduction of iron (III) present in phosphoric acid to iron (II) state’ up to Technology Development Plant (TDP) This project has strategic significance in the energy sector of the country and in the process of commercialization.
- f) Founder member, subsequently advisor, of the mega GREEN STEEL PROJECT completed at IMMT, Bhubaneswar sponsored by Department of Steel, Government of India, where the innovative process of reducing iron by hydrogen plasma is being developed.
Hydrogen plasma as the future replacement of carbon as reductant in iron and steel making (also in production of other metals and alloys) is being strongly projected.
- The outcome of these efforts are listed as technical publications, patents, technical reports etc as under:
- i) Co-Editor /Translation of books – 2
- ii) Chapters in books – 14
iii) Papers published in refereed journals – 114
- iv) Papers published in Symposium Proceedings – 26
- v) Technical Project Reports – 50
- vi) Patents – 20
These publications are regularly referred in many of the important reviews: On 23.03.2023:
Total Citations: 1950, h-index: 23, i10-index: 49.
(a) The reports include valuable R&D work done for organisations like –Tata Steel, Department of Steel and Technology, Department of Ocean Development, Department of Science and Technology, Sandur Manganese Ltd., Karnatak, Rajasthan State Mining Corporation, Rajasthan, Heavy Water Plant, Talcher, etc..
(b) The technical papers published in journals of national and international standing include:
(National Standing) : Trans. Ind. Inst. Metals; Metals Materials and Processes; Bulletin of Electrochemistry, Journal of Institution of Engineers(India), SGAT Bulletin and Journal of the Electrochem. Soc. India.
(International Standing) : Journal of Electrochemical Society, USA. Metallurgical Transactions-B; Trans. Instn. Min. Metall; Sec C (London); Hydrometallurgy; Proceedings of Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Ironmaking Steelmaking (London), ISIJ , Japan, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, USA, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Germany, J of Applied Electrochemistry, Electrochemistry Communication, Advanced Materials Research etc.
- Member, American Chemical Society (ACS), USA
- Member, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), USA
- Life Fellow of the Institution of Engineers
- iv) Life Member of Orissa Bigyan Academy
- v) Life Member of the Indian Institute of Metals
- vi)Life Member of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
vii) Life Member of the Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers.
viii) Life Member of the International Society of Teachers’ and Researchers’ in Chemistry.
- ix) Life Member of the Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists.
- Distinguished Alumnus Award 2020 from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, March 2021.
- Found place in The World’s Top 2% Scientists, in the subject area Mining and Metallurgy, List Published in the Journal PLOS Biology, October 16, 2020. [List created by Stanford University, together with the publishing house Elsevier and SciTech Strategies. The list contains 159 648 names, including 1494 Indian Scientists, and covers more than 200 subjects.]
- ‘Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship’ from Bonn, Germany, 1984-85, 1992, 2001.
(iv) ‘Binani Gold Medal’ from IIM, Kolkata for the best research paper in non-ferrous extractive metallurgy published during 1995 in IIM Transactions.
(v) ‘Best Paper award’ at Annual Technical Sessions of IIM, 1998, &1999.
- ‘Govinda Gupta Memorial Running Shield and Cash Award’ for outstanding contributions in research in the field of Metallurgical Engineering presented by the Institution of Engineers (India), Orissa State Centre in 1999.
- ‘Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division Gold Medal’ for the best paper published in the “Journal of Institution of Engineers” – by The Institution of Engineers (India) at the 16th Indian Engineering Congress held at IIT Kharagpur during December 2001.
- Has active ‘International collaboration with the Technical University, Berlin, Germany, Institut fuer Eisenhuettenkunde,rwth Aachen, Germany; the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; and The Department of Chemical Engineering, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA’.
- An ‘Examiner for B.Sc. Engineering subjects as well as Ph.D. thesis’ at different Universities of India and abroad, examined sixteen Ph.D. thesis from abroad.
(x) ‘Recognized as a Ph. D guide’ in the faculty of Metallurgical Engineering in Utkal University, Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT), KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, AcSIR, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar. Has rendered help in guiding twelve scholars in their Ph.D. work, three more are in pipeline.
(xi) A reviewer of: International journals: Hydrometallurgy (Elsevier), The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Wiley), Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (Thomson Reuters), Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), Energy and Fuel (ACS – American Chemical Society), Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering), High Temperature Materials and Processes (De Gruyter), Journal of Metals (Springer), Journal of Chemistry and Applied Chemical Engineering (De Gruyter).
National journals such as: Bulletin of Electrochemistry (CECRI), Journal of IIChE (IIChE) and The IIM Metal News (IIM).
(xii) Was a member of the Board of Studies of the Metallurgical Engineering Department of REC Rourkela (Now NIT).
(xiii) Was a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Steel Technology Centre (STC) of IIT Kharagpur.
- Participated as a committee member in the TIFAC study group on ‘ALTERNATIVE ROUTES TO IRONMAKING’ during 1996.
- An invited participant in the ROMELT WORKSHOP conducted at New Delhi by JOINT PLANT COMMITTEE in 2001.
- Biography recorded in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World.
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