From Managing Editor's Table
From Managing Editor's Table
The universe with all its constituents is always dynamic. The constituents have existence in many domains. Neither we can comprehend the vast universe nor we can observe the events in finer domains. The universe we conceptualize may be only a constituent of greater universe. Likewise, matter might be existing in finer domain below micro domain without the knowledge of modern science. Our perception to smallest state of matter means only the smallest existence of matter in micro domain. If matter exists in micro-micro domain (one domain below micro domain). its mass in atomic mass unit would be zero. We need to formulate a finer domain mass unit, say photonic mass unit (PMU) to realize its rest existence. The existence of matter in finer domain if exists in nature then it would go to build the structure of micro particles like the atoms go to build celestial bodies. If this is so, modern science has a new scope of understanding the mechanism of quantum events and understanding the basis of quantum assumptions. The micro-micro domain science will take modern science to a new height and raising its capabilities to invade into the domain of spiritual science. This looks like a dreaming. It may be mentioned here that behind every discovery there exists a dream of success which drives towards the new discovery. Seeing the birds flying in the sky man wished if he could do so. Though it looks funny he pursued to accomplish his wish. He made many different trials and developed the aero plane. Man wished to make his journey to other celestial bodies and succeeded in developing the spacecraft. If there is a will (wish), there is a way. Again, we wished to unify the fundamental forces of nature and we have achieved success except gravity which we hope to unify in near future. Prof. Mohanty, president of Institute of Philosophy of Nature, dreams for the constancy and uniformity of nature in all domains and he has made some progress in this direction. According to Prof. Mohanty Vedic science, spiritual science and modern science explore different aspects of nature, however nature cannot be different for different explorers. Therefore, the inherent harmony exists among different sciences. At present unification of sciences, standing on different footings looks impossible. If modern science dreams for a possible unification on priority basis at the cost of altering the prevailing basic concepts of matter, space, charge and time and the dream may have some promise. Mass, space and time are parameters of dynamics. If we understand the individual parameters of dynamics clearly, we should be in a position of solving the dynamics of matter in slow motion or in fast motion (approaching the speed of light) using similar logic and treatment. We however need to fuse space with time, mass with time etc. to solve specific problems in specific manner. If revised concept of matter, space and time help to unify the dynamics of matter in different domain and unify all sciences then one should not hesitate to welcome the new significance of different entities of nature. It is expected that the new science will develop a comprehensive understanding of nature. This is the objective of this new journal.
Prof. Asoka Misra
Managing editor,
Towards unification of sciences
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