Our Editorial Board Member

Prof. Dhanush Dhari Misra

About Our Editorial Board Member

Full name: Dhanush Dhari Misra
Born in in Berhampur (Ganjam) on 20th June1944
High School: Queen of the Missions (Berhampur) Matric 1958
Inter Science: B J B College, Bhubaneswar I. Sc 1960
Diploma from Indian School Mines, Dhanbad (Equivalent to B Tech) 1964
Experience of 12 years in the mining industry from 1964 to 1977
Asstt. Professor for 7 years at IIT Kharagpur from 1977 to 1984
Professor at ISM (Dhanbad) for 16 years from 1984 to 2000
Director of CSIR CMRI, Dhanbad for 4 years from 2000 to 2004
After retirement in 2004 working part time as a Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Professor
etc. at different institutes.
Member of P A C of NCERT from 2015 to 2018
Chairman of Board of Governors of ISM (Dhanbad), now IIT, from 2015 to 2020
Chairman of Govt. College of Engineering, Keonjharcontinuing from 2018

Contributions to the industries and academia
1. In Tata Steel from 1965 to 1969 Part of the team for the design and construction of L R P commissioned in 1969. The plant is still operational.
2. In S Kantilal & Co. in Goa from 1970 to 1972 Leader of the team for the feasibility report for the pelletisation plant at Barazan mine, South Goa.
3. In IRE Ltd. from 1972 to 1977 Prepared the feasibility report and detailed project report for the Orissa complex.
4. At I I T, Kharagpur from 1977 to 1984 Started the new M Tech course in Mineral Resources Development and Management and the D I I T course in Mineral Beneficiation in the department of Chemical Engineering.

5. At I S M, Dhanbad from 1984 to 2000 Started the first B Tech course in Mineral Engineering in India and later as Dean was instrumental in starting the B Tech courses in disciplines other than geosciences.

6. As C M R I, Dhanbad from 2000 to 2004 Was instrumental in introducing wide spread use of Information Technology in the Mineral Industry, particularly in the public sector.
7. As Chairman of the B O G of the then I S M from 2015 to 2020 Was instrumental in converting the institute to an I I T.

Social activities:
Founder Joint Secretary of Bharat Vikash Parishad, Dhanbad from 1986
There after State Secretary, Zonal Organising Secretary etc. till 2013
Now Regional Patron of Bharat Vikas Parishad continuing
Founder President of Vigyan Bharathi, Jharkhand from 2000 to 2004
Area of interest:

Puranic Chronology

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