A Reality That Begins from Zero: The Play of The Union Between Consciousness and Nature


Pranshu Bharadwaj, Divyanshu Bharadwaj & Archana Mukherjee


Just as it is almost unimaginable or extremely difficult for an ant to understand the nature of the particle inside the Singularity of the black hole, similarly, it is extremely difficult for us to understand the existence beyond the physical realm of the universe, but it’s not impossible. However, this human consciousness and the consciousness of every living being is a part of that eternity. Therefore, just as we humans are familiar with our civilization, in the same way, every celestial object in the universe is also familiar with its own civilization and maintains a bond of energy among them, which governs the functioning of the physical universe & also shows the interconnection between them. Today, we want to share with others the experience of consciousness, which begins when the form of physicality ends, and the original form of the universe is revealed before us. This form has neither an end nor a beginning; it eternally remains the cause of the universe’s existence, like an Eternal space. Today, through our Astronomical scriptures, we will explore a new source of Truth. In this, we will search for the presence of life beyond zero energy according to thermodynamics, where the modern value of zero is not what we understand, but something that goes beyond infinity.

Keywords: Consciousness, Form of Physicality, Eternal space, Life beyond zero, Universe.


This universe, which is filled with complete complexity, where countless transformations of energy constantly occur, there are many such laws in the phases and states of the universe that change almost countless times at every step, because complexity is the hallmark of our physical universe. Today, we are going to research a similar topic, where we will try to connect some laws of thermodynamics from places where neither its discoverer nor today’s science has thought of, but the answer certainly lies in our astronomical scriptures. This is a very interesting topic from scientific perspectives, as it deals with the truth. And as we all know, if there are any laws, they are limited to a certain stage or event, and if we try to find the ultimate truth through those laws, it is not possible. Even if we experience that truth, it automatically breaks the limitations of those laws and takes on a new form. Yes, we are now moving towards a new discovery where we will discuss the existence of the universe, starting from where physicality ends. Today, our research will begin with the second and third laws of thermodynamics, where we will present a deep analysis of the laws. In this, we will have to connect with the ultimate truth of astronomical scriptures and science, because the knowledge of thousands of years, when accumulated in a verse, becomes priceless and equivalent to ultimate knowledge. We will discuss that perspective today. We will try to understand the existence of life beyond zero energy according to the laws of thermodynamics. We will try to present evidence from our scriptures and practical observations as well. Let’s move towards that ultimate truth with some questions and try to present a new idea. The first question that arises in this topic is, is life possible beyond 0 Kelvin. If possible, what is its nature and how does it indicate a new beginning from where our everything becomes zero? According to classical science, 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, and the entropy of a perfect crystal approaches a constant minimum. However, if this is the case, we should consider those aspects of the universe that we have not yet comprehended. It is not impossible to detect dark energy, nor is it impossible to understand entities like the singularity of a black hole but the truth is that we have accepted certain laws as ultimate principles, which only work up to physical observation. Life is there in every object, life is not limited to humans or living beings alone. Even a stone vibrates and emits energy as it always happens in the supreme Cosmic World with its fundamental cosmic energy. If such an object has a control mechanism to change its form then it gets life and becomes alive. 

Modern Limitations and a New Beginning

These are the laws of thermodynamics that create curiosity about the presence of life beyond zero Kelvin.

The second law of thermodynamics states that in any kind of natural thermodynamic process, the total entropy of a system and its surroundings always increases. Entropy is simply a measure of disorder or randomness. This law states that energy transformations are not totally efficient, and some energy is always lost as heat.

Δ𝑆univ > 0

And the third law discusses that as the temperature of any system approaches absolute zero (0 Kelvin), the entropy of a perfect crystal approaches a constant minimum.

lim Δ𝑆 = 0



This equation states that as the temperature (T) approaches absolute zero (0 Kelvin), the change in entropy Δ𝑆 of a system approaches zero.

These are some laws of thermodynamics, but will they work in a place where there is no physicality but there is certainly a diversity of energy? One thing we must remember, which we discussed in the introduction, is what life really is.

Every existence is alive and has life, which can control itself and has the ability to change its form and nature in any state. All these existences have life, whether it is a pebble or even fluctuations. And here we have to study the presence of life that is beyond even zero energy. And by bringing the laws of thermodynamics here, we just want to convey one message that any law of the universe, no matter what it is, always remains limited to an event or stage.

Because the energy and particles, whose transformed forms we have observed through some device to create these laws, when they enter another environment, they will try to completely change their nature and form to adjust to that stage. When we experience those same particles or energy again in another transformed form, we call it a mystery. Then questions arise about the existing law of matters. The truth is that any law, no matter what it is, remains limited to an event or stage where it can be easily applicable but it cannot be considered as the complete truth and may not be perfect with the view of cosmic events.

Let’s try to understand this with an example. Whenever a particle travels through our Earth or space, we can easily understand its form, the energy acting on it, and the speed accompanying it. Let’s assume this particle is a photon particle. According to these observations, if we create laws, there is nothing wrong with it. However, modern science today will create some laws based on its detected speed and nature and will call these laws and speed a universal constant, as the speed of light carried by photons.

We can say this with confidence because we have noticed, when these same photon particles enter the    singularity of a black hole, then there is a big question about the universal constant and the principles of thermodynamics. Those can apply in limited ordinary space. If those are truly universal constants, also could work in these small celestial events of the universe. But what happens? We are all well aware of the results. Our point is that when relativity, current quantum gravity, and many scientific laws, subjects, and concepts do not apply in such a place, why don’t they say those do not apply in all situations. Then the concept, prediction of the constant speed of light only applies to the situations of general and special relativity studied.

In this physical state, the speed of light is supreme, but when we consider light to be supreme beyond the events described by relativity, we will only get disappointment, as we have been getting queries till now. It is still not just the singularity of a black hole, but what we call dark energy today, we have not been able to understand it properly till now because its form changes every moment, and perhaps at a speed greater than light, because that energy has become so intense that it can change its nature and form at different stages or environments at faster speed. This is the only reason we have not been able to understand dark energy as we have been trying to understand it. We are not saying that light does not work at a constant speed, nor that the law of thermodynamics is wrong. We would like to say that every thesis and its author represented the events according to their perspective, analysis and introduced the laws based on the nature found in those events or states, and they are limited to those observed events or states only.

In our opinion, the speed of light is a restricted speed that is limited to the physical nature of the universe. The question is why is the speed of light only this much? The answer is that to maintain physicality in nature, the speed of light is limited here. If something goes beyond this, it will never interact with physical fundamentals. We can see a similar case in events like dark energy, which always exists but our calculations, devices, and even the consciousness of modern people fall under the speed of light and some physical laws. This is why, when a little energy or matter changes its form, we get confused and start exploring the deep state, and unfortunately, we call those phases a mystery. This is similar to the happenings during the inception of the universe. Its scientific explanation still appears confusing and dark, not clear. They say, “If we haven’t seen it, it doesn’t exist, and if we have seen it, it is everywhere.” Well, we will discuss this in successive communications. 

Considering all these things, we gain clarity on our subject, and that is, the eternity (the eternal space of fundamental cosmic energy) we mistakenly understand today as merely the quantum fluctuations of a zero energy field which is not limited to that state alone. In fact, if we want to explain it in one statement, it would be: “This is the foundation of the existence of the universe, holding every form together.” As we discussed earlier, due to our limited analysis, we think that nothing can exist in any state after zero, so it is obvious that it would be some small vibration or fluctuations that falls under absolute zero, and that is what we have named quantum fluctuations. This is our biggest misfortune or misunderstanding because it is a particle that, after 0 Kelvin, completely changes its form and nature to transform its energy into that state beyond understandable at absolute zero.

But we try to understand it, as having become zero and there is no physical movement happening in it. So let’s declare it as absolute zero. But in reality, that energy and particle only change its form and remain in their altered form and nature even beyond 0 Kelvin. And this is the form that exists in every existence, from a particle to various types of energy, which ultimately leaves this physical environment after 0 Kelvin and comes into its eternal form. 

According to us, this state is also known as The Vaishnav State or The Eternal Space, in which the fundamental cosmic energy always leaves its altered physical form and comes into its original form, working to provide a foundation to the universe. And this is a life that neither begins nor ends; it certainly changes its physical body but not its original energy, which always remains in this form. Understanding this state is the most difficult because we have only understood the blur; there is still more depth in it, which we will try to understand further by unification of spiritual science with materialistic science as and when applicable. We feel many mysteries of science, even life beyond ‘Zero Kelvin’ can be understood provided the science of cosmic energy could have been explored thoroughly. What all theories and laws are acting on physical matters on Earth are only limited to a certain pace of physical Earth which are tiny parts of the supreme cosmic world. 

Let us rethink about the physical state becomes zero. In summary, to understand any deep state, we need consciousness led innovation and must go beyond the laws that prevent us from solving the mysteries. Our thought process should not be enslaved by any rules; there must be freedom of thought. Only then we can present the facts to human society.

The Scientific Existence of Celestial Verses

Now the time has come to learn about those sources that have been a heritage for thousands of years, but their purpose was not just storytelling. Instead, they were meant to simplify the difficulties that would arise in human civilization. In the scriptures, astronomy is depicted in a way that can escape the illusion of perspectives, meaning you will get the answer based on the viewpoint from which you look at it. 

Because here, what appears is different from what is, their greatness cannot be confined to just stories. However, this knowledge depends on human consciousness and the capability of thought.

Today, we will try to understand the essence of that penance. After deep study, we have experienced some verses that reveal to us the form of the universe that is beyond every existence, even to the extent that its nature is eternal and is the reason for the existence of this universe. Let us now witness that truth.

The Bhagavad Gita verse (Chapter 7, Verse 5)

apareyamitastvanyāṁ prakṛtiṁ viddhi me parām jīvabhūtāṁ mahābāho yayedaṁ dhāryate jagat

Most common people understand it in the language in which they bind the truth of this nature into a character, and ultimately they do not achieve what they are not trying to seek. That’s why perspective matters. General Translation: Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature.

This allows us to experience the existence from physicality to eternity, discusses the states from inferiority to superior energy, and hints at the existence of such a state.

Inferior Nature: Corresponds to the material universe—the physical cosmos we observe. It includes matter, energy, and the forces that govern them.

Superior Energy (Jı̄va S’hakti): Transcends material boundaries. It includes all living souls—the essence of life itself.

One relevant shloka is from Chapter 2, Verse 20: That tries to explain the characteristics, nature, and influence of that Cosmic superior energy.

na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ | ajo nityaḥ śāśvato’yaṁ purāṇo na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre || 20||

Generally, its translation is: “The soul is neither born, nor does it ever die; nor having once existed, does it ever cease to be. The soul is without birth, eternal, immortal, and ageless; it is not destroyed when the body is destroyed.”

This verse emphasizes the eternal and indestructible nature of the soul or the fundamental cosmic energy, which transcends physical existence.

  • Eternal Nature: Just as the shloka describes the soul as eternal and unchanging, in physics, particles at 0 Kelvin are thought to reach a state where they no longer exhibit traditional physical properties. However, they still possess zero-point energy & even beyond 0 Kelvin there is the absolute state of zero which is beyond the infinity, indicating that their essence or energy remains, even if their physical form changes.
    1. Transformation and continuity: The shloka speaks of the soul not being destroyed even when the body is. Similarly, particles at zero Kelvin transform their energy and nature but do not cease to exist. They change from and state, much like the soul transition from one body to another without losing its essence.
  • Foundation of Existence: The concept of the Vaishnav state or the Eternal Space, where Fundamental cosmic energy returns to its original form, parallels the idea that the foundation of all existence.


There is no need for anyone to worry about this topic right now because this single shloka has the ability to explain the entire concept easily and in detail. Do not jump to conclusions upon hearing the word ‘soul’; instead, try to understand the profound knowledge within it.

Here, we can easily understand the concept that every particle or energy, in any physical form, always has eternal internal energy. This is evidenced at the state of zero Kelvin, where the same physical particle, upon reaching its maximum physical state, abandons its existing physical form and completely transforms its nature and form into the fundamental cosmic energy. From there, a new beginning starts.

The Presence of Life beyond Zero Kelvin

As the temperature approaches absolute zero (0 Kelvin), particles retain a form of energy known as zero-point energy. This zero-point energy is not just a residual energy but represents the entropy of the fundamental cosmic energy. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the process:

  • Existence of Zero-Point Energy:
  • At 0 Kelvin, particles are in their lowest energy state, but due to quantum mechanics, they still possess zero-point energy. This energy is a manifestation of the inherent quantum fluctuations and is considered the entropy of the fundamental cosmic energy.
  • Interaction of Fundamental Cosmic Energies:
  • When similar fundamental cosmic energies come into contact, they interact and try to adapt to each other’s environment. This interaction creates a form of randomness or disorder in the system, which is the entropy.
  • This entropy manifests as quantum fluctuations, which are essentially the vibrational randomness resulting from the interaction of these energies.
  • Quantum Fluctuations:
  • Quantum fluctuations are the result of the entropy created when fundamental cosmic energies interact. These fluctuations are the small, random changes in energy that occur even in a vacuum.
  • When similar fundamental cosmic energies meet, they create these fluctuations as they try to adapt to each other’s pace, leading to vibrational randomness.
  • Creation of Virtual Particles:
  • When quantum fluctuations interact with each other, they can lead to the creation of virtual particles. These particles are temporary and exist only for a brief moment, but they play a crucial role in quantum field theory.
  • The process of virtual particle creation is driven by the need for the system to adapt to new conditions and behaviors introduced by the interacting quantum fluctuations.
  • Formation of Physical Particles:
  • As the temperature rises above 0 Kelvin, the energy in the system increases, allowing virtual particles to gain enough energy to become real, physical particles.
  • These physical particles can carry specific energies and follow the rules of thermodynamics, such as energy conservation and entropy increase.
  • Role of Fundamental Cosmic Energy:
  • Beyond the creation of physical particles, the fundamental cosmic energy remains the underlying foundation of the universe. It is the source of all energy transformations and interactions.
  • This fundamental energy drives the creation and sustains the processes of the universe, ensuring that energy flows and transformations continue seamlessly.
  • This Eternal Space provides a foundation where change remains constant, and in simple terms, this is the true definition of zero. For me zero is a state that goes beyond infinity. This eternal space, which is zero, has properties that are eternal and supreme. This is the only existence that is present in every particle of the universe.

The Mathematical Analysis

If we want to understand this through a mathematical model, then let’s try to understand it from that perspective. According to us, this is not limited to any physical calculation, but if it is represented in today’s scientific community, then perhaps it will not have any impact on its fact as its unification is still pending.

Eternal State Transformation Let:

ψ: Wave function describing the particle/energy state

Φ(ψ): Energy transformation function representing the eternal state

Ω: Original essence/preserving factor

E: Fundamental Cosmic Energy (eternal vibrations)

𝐸0: Zero-point energy (entropy of the fundamental cosmic energy)

S: Entropy

T: Temperature (in Kelvin)

Transformation Process As T Approaches 0K:

  • The wave function ψ undergoes a transformation, and the zero-point energy ( E_0 ) represents the entropy of the fundamental cosmic energy:

(𝑇 → 0𝐾) → Φ(𝜓) = 𝐸

𝐸 = 𝐸0 + 𝐸cosmic

𝐸0 = 𝑘B𝑆(𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑆 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦)

Quantum Fluctuations:

  • When similar fundamental cosmic energies interact, they create entropy in the form of quantum fluctuations: S=E/T


These fluctuations are the vibrational randomness resulting from the interaction. Creation of Virtual Particles:

  • Quantum fluctuations can lead to the creation of virtual particles:

Δ𝐸virtual = ℏ𝜔

Here, (\hbar) is the reduced Planck’s constant and (\omega) is the angular frequency of the fluctuations.

Reversal Process:

  1. When T Increases Above 0K:
  • The energy transforms back to its physical form:

𝐸 → Φ–1(𝐸) = (𝑇 > 0𝐾)

Conservation of Fundamental Cosmic Energy

  • The existence of ( E ) remains unchanged:∂𝐸/∂𝑇=0 

Detection Difficulty

  • The original state is difficult to detect with current detectors:

𝛼 ⋅ Ω ⋅ Φ(𝜓) ≈ 0

Here, (\alpha) is a coefficient representing the detection difficulty. Energy Flow and Form Change

  • The change in form occurs due to energy flow :

∂ψ/∂T = -i (E α Ω Φ(ψ)) · δ(Τ 0K)



As the temperature approaches absolute zero (0 Kelvin), particles retain zero-point energy, which is essentially the entropy of the fundamental cosmic energy. When fundamental cosmic energies interact, they create randomness or entropy, manifesting as quantum fluctuations. These fluctuations occur because similar energies try to adapt to each other’s environment, releasing vibrational randomness.

When quantum fluctuations interact, they can lead to the creation of virtual particles. As the temperature rises and energy flows, these virtual particles can transform into physical particles, which follow thermodynamic rules. Beyond these physical particles, the fundamental cosmic energy is the foundational element of the universe, driving its creation and sustaining its processes.

Keep in mind that these representations are just the beginning of understanding the ‘Eternal Space’ or ‘The Vaishnav State’. As we have understood, this state is not limited to quantum fluctuations alone; its eternal state is much deeper and more complex. We need to understand the process of any particle’s internal energy returning to its original state in greater depth.

This will show us a path to understand the actual origin of the universe. Our work does not stop or is limited here; unification is still pending, and this is just its prelude.

The original concept is yet to come. So far, we have experienced some simple mathematical equations and their processes. Now, with the help of the summary of all these, let’s understand if there is any cosmic unified principle behind all these happenings on which all these types of processes are based, from an eternal state to every physical state of the universe. As we have experienced, how the variation in temperature affects a particle and the reality of its existence process can exist in different natures and forms of the universe.

In summary, I just want to say on this subject that yes, there are indeed some cosmic unified principles that operate in every part of the universe, from the creation of the universe to the end of its physical phases. From a particle to fundamental cosmic energy. We will discuss this in the next research study, where we will have an in-depth discussion on the impact of these principles on the beginning of the universe and the provision of its energy.


 Interpretation on This Subject:

When physicality becomes zero, it begins, and it becomes so powerful that it cannot be measured because if the entropy of the great energy flow can create even the physical universe. Just think how supreme it will be.


Certainly, this is beyond physical thought, but consciousness is also a part of it, which always remains in the form of our inner self. And if we give the status of God to that eternal space, there is no harm in it because the entire physical world is running from there. Because this is the very realm that has given shelter to the entire physical universe.

This is not the end of this topic, but it is the ignition that gives a thrust to this topic, pushing it forward with even more strength. This calculation might just be a beginning, but the truth is yet to come, which will surely be revealed in its other parts.

In this process of change, we can achieve more efficient energy transmission and advancements in nanotechnology, leading to improved materials for energy storage and conversion. Along with this, this topic can help us explore the unresolved mysteries of the universe and the secrets of its existence on both large and small scales. In the next part of this research, we will understand how the Fundamental Cosmic Energy of Eternal Space works, how it exists and how we can comprehend it.

This universe is vast & if we talk about ourselves, we are tiny particles smaller than countless parts of even a fraction of it. However, life exists within. We also have a small physical human world, and as long as there is life in our body, our entire life is to be dedicated to human welfare, keeping nature in mind.

This is the sentiment I always bow to. Our duties are to illuminate the nectar of knowledge given by each sage of the ancient era and present the infinite knowledge of the entire universe in both spiritual and scientific manner. Let each one of us think deeply with consciousness and get enlightened with ‘The Super Nature’ even being in a micro-physical environment.



We express soulful gratitude to our Rishis, including Maharishi Agastya, Maharshi Bharadwaj, and the greatest yogi, the revered Shri Krishna, who, keeping in mind the philosophy of Kaliyug, encapsulated the penance power of each sage into one Bhagwatam scripture. Today, we have been able to understand it, and for this nectar given by them, we bow and thank them with full devotion for our human duties and body on this Earth. We also offer countless salutations to my parents for my very existence in this human life.

In this invaluable duty of our life, at every turn, selflessly, through every up and down, those who have helped us and maintained their blessings and faith, We offer countless salutations and thanks to the most respected revered Shri Ravin Vyas ji, respected Hiral Mata shri, Kushal Bhaiya & Rajan Bhaiya. To every guide in our life, including the revered Shri Satheesh Reddy ji, Prof. B.S Murthy ji. We offer countless salutations and many, many thanks.




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