Our Editorial Board Member
MR. Rashmi Ranjan Mohapatra
About Our Editorial Board Member

Mr. Rashmi Ranjan Mohapatra received MSc. from Ravenshaw University in 2007 and subsequently did Mphil. from same University. He takes keen interest in study of LASER, Plasma and Semiconductor physics. He worked as Assistant Professor and HOD in Physics in different engineering colleges in Odisha under BPUT from 2009 to 2018 and attended three international conferences. He also took part as expert in LASER technology in Doordarshan Science programs.
Beside his professional teaching career he was motivated strongly for social service. Subsequently he changed his career to social service. He formed an NGO, “Centre For Global Transformation” to render his services in different national programs such as Education, Livelihood, Women Empowerment, Health and Climate Change issue. His area of operation covers many Districts including Rayagada, Gajapati, Koraput, Malkanagiri. He has opened up five free education centres in down Stream tribal areas in Odisha. He was awarded from NABARD, Kolkata for livelihood seminar. He organized many workshops to promote scientific input in agriculture sector in collaboration with other organizations.
He has received many appreciations for his dedicated social service and originating capability.
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