Our Editorial Board Member
DR. Bidubhusan Sahu
About Our Editorial Board Member

Dr. Bidhubhusan Sahu
Associate Professor
Faculty ID: 103089
Department of Physics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar -751024, India
Mob.: +91-9853605553
Born on: 3
rd May 1980
Date of joining: 4
th Aug. 2012
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Indian
academic research. Educational Qualification: M. Sc., M. Phil, PhD
1. Ph.D.(2011)
Thesis title: “Unifified Investigation of Fusion, Resonance and Scattering in Heavy
Ion collisions” North Orissa University, Baripada, India. 2. 2005: M.Phil (Physics)
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. 3. 2002: M. Sc. (Physics)
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. 4. 2000: B. Sc. (Physics Honours)
Talcher College, Talcher, India. Scholarships:
1. JRF, DST Project (SR/S2/HEP-18/2004), India 2006-08
2. SRF, DST Project (SR/S2/HEP-18/2004), India 2008-10
Research experience: 20 months post-doctoral fellow at IOP Bhubaneswar. (Dec. 2010 to Aug. 2012)
Experience details: 17 years of research and teaching experience in B-Tech, Post Graduate
Area of Specialization: Theoretical Nuclear Physics (Structure and Reaction)
Leadership quality:
◼ Completed one Govt. funded (SERB) research project (Ref. No: SR/FTP/PS- 106/2013) Entitled “Nuclear Structure and Fusion Reaction Dynamics of Drip Line
◼ 1 Ph.D awarded, 4-continuing
◼ Strong collaboration with IOP, Bhubaneswar, Sambalpur, F.M. and MSBD
◼ Co-coordinator-PG Program from July 2018 to 2020
◼ SLRC Member_Physics from July 2018 to March 2022
◼ Dy. Superintendent KP-VII-A&B from 2013 to 2020
Membership in professional organizations:
◼ Life member of Odisha Physical Society(LM-494)
◼ Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (L29522)
(a) Publications in Refereed Journals : 17
(b) Conference proceedings : 47
List of Publications
1. ”Analysis of elastic scattering of 6Li by 90Zr near Coulomb barrier”
Kamala Kanta Jena , Santosh Kumar Agarwalla and Bidhubhusan Sahu
New J. Phys. 25 (2023) 033012
2. ”Scattering and fusion reaction dynamics of O + Zr system around Coulomb barrier”
C. Dash, R. R. Swain, G. Tripathy, I. Naik, and B. B. Sahu
Chinese Physics C 46, 12 (2022) 124104-P:1-8
3. ”Study of non-trivial behavior in the analysis of 58Ni + 27Al elastic scattering around the coulomb
barrier ”
Kamala Kanta Jenaa, Santosh Kumar Agarwalla, Bidhubhusan Sahu
Acta Physica Polonica B 53 (2022) 10-A1-P:1-14.
4. ”Scattering and fusion phenomena of 6Li + 209Bi system”
R. R. Swain, C. Dash, P. Mohanty and B. B. Sahu
Int. J. Mod. E 29, 2050016 (2020).
5. “Nuclear structure and α-decay study of Og isotopes ”
R. R. Swain, B.B. Sahu, P. K. Moharana, and S. K. Patra
Int. J. Mod. E 28, 1950041 (2019).
6. “Structure and reaction dynamics of SHE Z = 130 ”
R. R. Swain and B.B. Sahu
Chin. Phys. C 43, 104103 (2019).
7. “Nuclear structure and decay modes of Ra isotopes within an axially deformed relativistic mean
field model ”
R. R. Swain, S.K. Patra and B.B. Sahu
Chin. Phys. C 42, 084102 (2018).
8. “Importance of non-linearity in NN potential ”
B. B. Sahu, S. K. Singh, M. Bhuyan, S. K. Biswal, and S. K. Patra
Phys. Rev. C89, 034614 (2014).
9. “Examining the stability of Sm nuclei around N=100 ”
S. K. Ghorui, B. B. Sahu, C. R. Praharaj, and S. K. Patra
Phys. Rev. C85, 064327 (2012).
10. “Analysis of Nucleus-Nucleus Fusion Cross-Section at Extreme Sub-Barrier Energies”
Basudeb Sahu and Bidhubhusan Sahu
International Journal of Modern Physics E, 21, 1250067 (2012)
B. B. Sahu, S. K. Singh, S. K. Patra, C. R. Praharaj, M. Bhuyan, Z. Naik, and S. K. Ghorui
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, 43, 451 (2012).
12. “ Half-lives of proton emitters using relativistic mean field theory”
Bidhubhusan Sahu, S. K. Agarwalla, and S. K. Patra
Phys. Rev. C84, 054604 (2011).
13. “ α-decay and fusion phenomena in heavy ion collisions using nucleon-nucleon interactions de-
rived from relativistic mean-field theory”
BirBikram Singh, B. B. Sahu and S. K, Patra,
Phys. Rev. C83, 064601 (2011).
14. “ Accurate delta potential approximation for a coordinate dependent potential and its analytical
Basudeb Sahu and B. B. Sahu,
Phys. Lett. A 373, 4033 (2009).
15. “Description of scattering and fusion phenomena on 16O + 58Ni system”
Basudeb Sahu and B. B. Sahu,
Orissa Journal of Physics Vol. 16, 41 (2009).
16. “ Unified description of scattering and fusion phenomena in heavy-ion collisions”
Basudeb Sahu, G. S. Mallick, B. B. Sahu, S. K. Agarwalla and C. S. Shastry,
Phys. Rev. C77, 024604 (2008).
17. “ Evaluation of eigenvalues of a smooth potential via Schr ̈odinger transmission across multi-step
Basudeb Sahu, B. B. Sahu and S. K. Agarwalla,
Pramana-journal of physics Vol. 70, No.1, 27 (2008).
(b) Conference proceedings :
1. ”Structural study of Es isotopes from α-decay modes”
C. Dash, I. Naik and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 65, 94 (2021).
2. ”K-Selection rule violating E2 and M1 transition from K=6+ isomers to the ground band of
172,174,176 Hf”
B. B. Sahu, Z. Naik, and C. R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 65, 118 (2021).
3. ”Retarded Decay of the K = 25/2+ isomer to the K = 5/2+ band in 183Re with higher order
C. R. Praharaj, Z. Naik, S.K. Patra, and B.B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 65, 122 (2021).
4. ”Shell closure at N∼154 of Es element”
R. R. Swain, I. Naik and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 65, 176 (2021).
5. “Alpha decay of Z = 130 element”
R. R. Swain and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 64, 154 (2019).
6. “Ground State Properties of Es Isotopes”
C. Dash, P. K. Moharana, I. Naik and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 64, 312 (2019).
7. “Possible shell or sub-shell closure around A= 220”
R. R. Swain, C. Dash, P. K. Moharana, I. Naik, and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 63, 142 (2018).
8. “tructural properties of Super-heavy Nuclei with Z = 126 ”
R. R. Swain, S. K. Patra and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 63, 224 (2018).
9. “J Selection Rule and Reduced Matrix Elements of K-Isomer Decay: K=6+ Isomer Decay of
170Hf to the Ground Band ”
B.B. Sahu, Z. Naik, and C.R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 63, 226 (2018).
10. “Formation of medium heavy mass nuclei through r-process ”
R. R. Swain, S. K. Patra and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 63, 792 (2018).
11. “Cluster Radioactivity Study of Pt Isotopes ”
R. R. Swain, P. K. Moharana and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 63, 172 (2018).
12. “Bands and Isomers in Neutron-Rich Rare-Earth Nuclei in PHF Model”
C. R. Praharaj, S. K. Ghorui, Z. Naik and B. B. Sahu
Proc. 14th Int. Symp. on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016) JPS Conf. Proc.14 , 021005 (2017)
13. “Ground state properties of Z = 118 ”
R. R. Swain, S. K. Patra and B. B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 62, 242 (2017).
14. “Band Structures and K Isomers of 178Hf ”
B. B. Sahu, Z. Naik, S. K. Ghorui, S. K. Patra and C. R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 62, 244 (2017).
15. “Study Of High Spin State Of 50Ti using DHF Model ”
M.Kushal, B. B. Sahu, Z. Naik, and C. R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 62, 312 (2017).
16. “α-decay half lives of 294118 nucleus ”
R.R.Swain, and B.B.Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 62, 322 (2017).
17. “Isotopic dependence of fusion probabilities for oxygen nuclei and 92Zr ”
R.R.Swain, B. Sahu, and B.B.Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 62, 644 (2017).
18. “Cluster decay of Ra isotope
R.R.Swain, and B.B.Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 61, 210 (2016).
19. “Deformed Band Structures and K Isomers in 170Er
B. B. Sahu, Z. Naik, S. K. Ghorui, and C. R. Praharaj DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear
Physics Vol. 61, 292 (2016).
20. “Study of K-Isomers in Hafnium Nuclei”
B. B. Sahu, Z. Naik, S. K. Ghorui, and C. R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 60, 196 (2015).
21. “Fusion Reaction Study of 16O+92Zr System”
R. R. Swain, R. K. Paira, B. B. Sahu, and B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 60, 566 (2015).
22. “α-decay Half-lives Study of Superheavy Nuclei”
R. K. Paira, B. B. Sahu, and B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 60, 274, (2015).
23. “Band Structure and Deformed Configurations in 166Er”
B. B. Sahu, S. K. Ghorui, C. R. Praharaj, S.K. Patra, and Z. Naik
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 59, 254 (2014).
24. “Fusion barrier distribution described by pocket resonances”
R. K. Paira, B. B. Sahu, and B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 59, 378 (2014).
25. “Reaction Dynamics of 6Li+209Bi System
B. B. Sahu, R. K. Paira, and B. Sahu
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 59, 610 (2014).
26. “High Spin Spectroscopy of 168Hf Nucleus”
B. B. Sahu, S. K. Singh, Z. Naik, S.K. Patra, and C.R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 58, 246 (2013).
27. “Yrast Spectra of 140Ba in Deformed Hartree-Fock and J Projection Model”
Shailesh. K. Singh, B. B. Sahu, C. R. Praharaj, S. K. Patra, Z. Naik, and R. K. Bhowmik
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 58, 248 (2013).
28. “The Relativistic Lagrangian: Nucleon-Nucleon Potential”
B. B. Sahu, S. K. Singh, M. Bhuyan, and S. K. Patra
AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1524, 3 (2013).
29. “The nucleon-nucleon potential from relativistic mean field theory”
B. B. Sahu, M. Bhuyan, S. K. Singh, and S. K. Patra
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 57, 198 (2012).
30. “Spectroscopic Study of 171Hf Nucleus”
B. B. Sahu, S.K. Ghorui, Z. Naik, S. K. Patra, and C.R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 57, 246 (2012).
31. “Delay-Time in One-Dimensional Potential Scattering”
S. K. Agarwalla, B. B. Sahu, G. S. Mallick and B. Sahu
National Seminar on Innovative Fields of Ballistics and Applied Physics
21st January 2012, Page-115
ISBN No. 978-81-8424-746-6
32. “Study of Band Gap for One-Dimensional Periodic Potential with Position Depemdent Mass”
S. K. Agarwalla, B. B. Sahu, G. S. Mallick and B. Sahu
National Seminar on Innovative Fields of Ballistics and Applied Physics
21st January 2012, Page-120
ISBN No. 978-81-8424-746-6
33. “Microscopic nucleon−nucleon interaction obtained from relativistic-mean-field theory and its
application to nucleus decay”
B. B. Sahu and S. K. Patra
National Conference on Recent Advances in Science for Technology
(RAST-2012) February 27-28, 2012
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla Sambalpur-768018, Odisha
34. “Microscopic study of proton emission from heavy nuclei”
B. B. Sahu, S. K. Agarwalla , and S. K. Patra
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 56, 516 (2011).
35. “Study of the fusion phenomena in heavy ion collisions and the α-decay using nucleon-nucleon
interaction derived from relativistic mean field theory”
BirBikram Singh, B. B. Sahu, and S. K. Patra
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 56, 546 (2011).
36. “Band Structure Study of 161Er Nucleus.”
B. B. Sahu, S.K. Singh, M. Bhuyan, S.K. Ghorui, Z. Naik, S.K. Patra, and C.R. Praharaj
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 56, 308 (2011).
37. “New form of nuclear potential for unified description of heavy-ion scattering and fusion cross
sections at extreme sub-barrier energies”
Basudeb Sahu and B. B. Sahu,
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 55, 394 (2010).
38. “Tunneling through a composite potential and understanding deep sub-barrier fusion reactions”
Basudeb Sahu and B. B. Sahu,
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 54, 302 (2009).
39. “ Study of scattering and fusion cross sections for 16O + 58,62Ni around Coulomb barrier”
B. B. Sahu and Basudeb Sahu,
DAE-BRNS International Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 54, 290 (2009).
40. “ Analysis of scattering and fusion in 19F + 208Pb system”
Basudeb Sahu, B. B. Sahu, P. Prema, and C. S. Shastry
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 53, 423 (2008).
41. “ Channel coupling through oscillation modulated vibratory driving field in nucleus-nucleus
Basudeb Sahu, B. B. Sahu, and P. Prema
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 53, 418 (2008).
42. “Multi-step potential approximation for evaluation of eigenvalues of smooth potential”
Basudeb Sahu, B. B. Sahu and S. K. Agarwalla, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society Vol. XV,
47 (2008).
43. “ Qunatum mechanical alpha decay rate of superheavy elements”
Basudeb Sahu, B. B. Sahu, S. K. Agarwalla, Y. K. Gambhir and C. S. Shastry
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 52, 427 (2007).
44. “ Simultaneous description of scattering and fusion on 16O + 208Pb ”
Basudeb Sahu, G. S. Mallick, B. B. Sahu, S. K. Agarwalla, and C. S. Shastry
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 52, 319 (2007).
45. “ Profuse sub-barrier tunneling through a repulsive potential supported by attractive wells on
either side ”
Basudeb Sahu, S. K. Agarwalla, G. S. Mallick, B. B. Sahu, and C. S. Shastry
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 51, 451 (2006).
46. “ Versatality of Ginocchio type potential barrier in nucleus-nucleus collisions ”
S. K. Agarwalla, Basudeb Sahu, G. S. Mallick, B. B. Sahu, and C. S. Shastry
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 51, 389 (2006).
47. “ Resonances in the barrier region”
P. Prema, S. Mahadevan, S. K. Agarwalla, G. S. Mallick, B. B. Sahu, Basudeb Sahu and C. S.
DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol. 51, 339 (2006).
Participation in Conferences/Symposia/Workshops
1. “DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics” at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher learning,
Prasanthi Nilayam-515134, India during December 07-11, 2015.
2. “DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Department of Physics Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi, India -221005 during December 08-12, 2014.
3. “International Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mum-
bai, India during December 02-06, 2013.
4. “DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Department of Physics and Astrophysics,
University of Delhi, New Delhi, India -110007 during December 03-07, 2012.
5. “DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Department of Nuclear Physics, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam, A. P., India – 530003 during December 26-30, 2011.
6. “International Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mum-
bai, India during December 08-12, 2009.
7. “DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Department of Physics, Sambalpur Uni-
versity, Jyotivihar, Burla, Orissa, India during December 11-15, 2007.
8. “DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics” held at Department of Physics, The M.S. Uni-
versity of Baroda,Vadodara, Gujarat, India during December 11-15, 2006.
Schools attended:
1. SERC School, Inter-University Accelerator Centre New-Delhi, 01/09/2008-20/09/2008
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